We produce safe, clean, climate-neutral energy for more than 1.1 million households

Borssele nuclear power plant is one of the safest nuclear plants in the world. This might sound strange for a facility that commenced operations in 1973. Yet it will remain one of the leading plants in the world in terms of safety until 2034 (when it will be decommissioned).
I can guarantee this as director of EPZ, which operates Borssele. We work safely, or not at all.
Numerous mechanisms and guarantees ensure that both the plant and the organisation behind it continually improve. The nuclear plant and the organisation are adapted whenever new insights or technologies become available. In this way, we have managed to make the plant a thousand times safer since 1973.
The safety of the plant is maintained by three safety functions that are examined in detail below:
- the ability to control the fission reaction in all circumstances.
- the ability to contain radioactivity and radiation in the plant’s buildings in all circumstances.
- the ability to cool the fuel rods in all circumstances.
The plant thus has multiple systems. If one system (or facility) fails, another will take over. We call this ‘redundancy’: the plant has excess safety systems.
We also maintain our safety culture with the help of external experts and regulators. Our focus on safety cannot and will not ever weaken. Our safety culture also includes many safeguards that keep us alert.
Assessments by our regulators and international sharing of knowledge and experience help us to remain a safe organisation operating a safe facility.
We intend to continue contributing to the safe, climate-neutral generation of power until 2034. This website explains how.
Carlo Wolters, EPZ director